Beach: Oyambre



This is a broad beach with a bay-like shape, in the beautiful setting of the Rabia inlet. The La Rabia Estuary opens out at one end of the beach. It is very well equipped, with restaurants, ice cream parlours, and there is also a golf course alongside. It is surrounded by mountains, and is located within the Oyambre Nature Reserve, which has a bird watching observatory close to the village of La Rabia.

Beach: Oyambre

Покрытие: sand

Тип песка: golden

Условия купания: moderate waves, windy

Длина: 1800 m

Ширина: 40 m

Близость к населенному пункту: isolated

Спортивный порт: suances

Расстояние до пляжа: 22 km

Как добраться: Car

Ближайшее шоссе: ca-131

Toilets, showers, footwash, tourist office, litter bin, cleaning service

Максимальная температура: 17º Температурное ощущение: прохладно Ветер: слабый Волны: слабое Температура воды: 13º