Pieces of Tudanca beef with picón cheese


  • Ingredients

    Ingredients for 6 people: ½l of single cream 200g of Treviso or Picón cheese 1kg of wild mushrooms or mushrooms 150g of grated cheese 1kg of spinach ¼l of béchamel sauce potato purée for decoration ¼ of butter 6 pieces of sirloin 1 small glass of port

  • Preparation

    Wash or cut the mushrooms into julienne type pieces and fry with butter for five minutes. After this time, add the cheese, dissolved in the port and the cream and allow to reduce for 30 minutes. Cook the spinach for 20 minutes. Then, drain well and make six small piles on a large serving dish. Put a little béchamel sauce and grated cheese on top and grill. Cook the sirloin on a griddle. Take the spinach dish from under the grille and put the sirloins next to it. Pour the sauce over the meat and serve.

  • Presentation

    Garnish with potato purée and croutons of fried bread.

Category: Second course

Cooking time: more than 1 hour

Price: Average

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