Pheasant or partridge Alcántara style

Ingredients for 4 people: 2 young pheasants 3/4 kg each 3 or 4 duck livers according to weight (200 g) 14 small whole truffles 10 chopped truffles 50 g of butter 100 g of lard 1 bottle of Oporto wine pepper salt
Clean and gut the pheasant. Remove the wishbone from the breast. Season with salt and pepper both inside and out. Heat the butter in a pan and sauté the chopped duck livers and season with salt and pepper. Crush the duck livers in a mortar and then press through a sieve. Cook the chopped truffles in 2 dl of Oporto wine and add them to the puréed liver.Stuff the pheasant with the purée.Cook trussed in string so that the stuffing doesn't fall out during cooking.Leave it to marinate in Oporto wine in a cool place for three days. Coat the pheasant in lard and roast in an earthenware dish, turning it over from time to time so that it browns evenly all over.Reduce the wine from the marinade and add the whole truffles. Ten minutes before the end of the cooking time, add it to the earthenware dish with the pheasant.Remove the pheasant from the earthenware dish and serve whole on a serving dish.Dress with the wine and truffles and serve with mashed potatoes if preferred. .
Can be accompanied with almonds or grapes.
Category: Main course
Cooking time: more than 2 hours
Price: High
Season: All year round
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