

  • Ingredients

    Ingredients: 750 gm of olive oil 250 gm of anis 3 eggs 200 gm of icing sugar 300 gm of cornflour 1.200 gm of flour For the filling: 1 kg. of puréed pumpkin 100 gm of honey

  • Preparation

    Blend together until it forms an even, rather soft mixture. Roll into balls then flatten leaving a fine paste. Shape into a circle and place the filling inside, then close as if it were a pie. For the filling, blend together the puréed pumpkin and the honey; put in the centre of the mixture and close. Then place everything in the oven. Bake for about 13 minutes and check.

Category: Dessert

Cooking time: 30 -45 minutes

Price: Low

Season: All year round

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