Cantabrian cod

  • Ingredients

    Ingredients for 4 people: 4 pieces of soaked cod 2 onions 2 cloves of garlic 1 lemon 1 glass of white wine 1 glass of water chopped parsley flour olive oil salt

  • Preparation

    Scald the cod in the last batch of soaking water. Dry it and remove the bones. Chop the onions and put them to fry in a flat earthenware dish with oil. When they are brown, add a pinch of flour, the wine and the water. Allow to simmer gently and add plenty of chopped parsley, the garlic crushed in the mortar and the lemon juice. Stir the dish, add the cod and cook for another quarter of an hour. Correct the level of salt.

  • Presentation

    Serve in the same earthenware dish.

Category: Second course

Price: Average

Season: All year round