'Botillo con cachelos'

Castilla y Leon

Castilla y Leon
  • Ingredients

    Ingredients: 1 'Botillo' sausage 1 Kilo of Potatoes 1 Cabbage

  • Preparation

    The 'botillo' sausage is pricked in the middle with a skewer and wrapped in a piece of clean, white cloth. Place the sausage in a pan and covered in water, allow to cook for an hour. At the end of an hour, add a good cabbage (cut into pieces) and leave for another hour. When you see that the vegetable is almost cooked, add the potatoes and salt to taste. Remove the sausage and place on a dish, drain the vegetable and potatoes, cut open the 'botillo' sausage and arrange the rest of the ingredients around it.

Cooking time: Over 2 hours

Price: Average

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