Site dating back to the first and fifth century AD. This is a good example of a luxurious villa, mainly because of the items excavated, such as marble pieces, sculptures, wall paintings and more. It was built for the imperial officials responsible for the administration of the Tarraconensis province. This was also where provincial governor Caius Valerius Avitus lived. The city was abandoned between the 6th and 7th centuries. The excavation work began in 1967 Serra Vilaró and Sánchez Real.It is part of the monumental ensemble of Tarraco, which was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.Theatrical guided tours are organised in summer, where Caius and Faustina show visitors around the villa.
Roman town of Els Munts
Paseo del Fortín s/n
43893 Altafulla, Tarragona (Catalonia)
Activa JS