A Coruña National Science and Technology Museum

A Coruña
A journey through science and its history
The National Science and Technology Museum (MUNCYT) explains how science has developed in Spain, from antiquity to the present.
In its main site in A Coruña it displays items ranging from the landing gear of the Boeing 747 that brought ‘Guernica’ back to Spain from New York, to the first computer to reach the country. A splendid science and technology collection, based in the Crystal Prism building. As well as temporary exhibitions, the MUNCYT in A Coruña offers visitors a permanent collection in six large halls: Miscelánea (Miscellanea), a hotchpotch of science presented by two robots; Mayúsculas (Capitals), with major landmarks of technology such as the lantern of the Tower of Hercules; Patrimonio (Heritage), with some of the museum's oldest and most valuable treasures; Innovación Española (Spanish Innovation), devoted to current science; Iberia, where you can get into a Jumbo Jet; and Siglo XX (20th Century), showing some of the inventions that revolutionised the last century. The museum also has a library, a restoration room, and a Nano-space.
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A Coruña National Science and Technology Museum
Praza do Museo Nacional de Ciencia, 1
15011 A Coruña (Galicia)
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