Rafting at the Subbetica marina

Sierras Subbéticas de Córdoba nature reserve


Between Genil and Guadajoz

Several, parallel mountain ranges between the flowing rivers of Genil and Guadajoz make up this karst morphology Park.

The dominant vegetation in the park is Mediterranean and provides an excellent offering of species of birds of prey.Here you can find the golden eagle, Bonelli's eagle, the griffon vulture, Egyptian vulture, chough, peregrine falcon, sparrowhawk and goshawk.Other birds that can been seen in the park are the white stork and the hoopoe.The most abundant of the reptiles is the long-tailed lizard. The most representative of the mammals is the mountain goat and the vole of Cabrera. Two vegetation types dominate the Park.On the one hand, the vegetation is Mediterranean, the holm oak, strawberry tee, kermes oak, and the wild olive tree.On the other,, the vegetation is typical of riversides such as poplar, willow, and alder trees.

Global Geopark ECST Natural Spaces

Sierras Subbéticas de Córdoba nature reserve

Cordoba  (Andalusia)

Type of area:Natural Park Area:32,056 hectares Email:cvsantarita.amaya@juntadeandalucia.es Tel.:+34 672 244 987 (Whatsapp) Tel.:+34 957 506 986 Tel.:+34 636307900 Website:Sierras Subbéticas de Córdoba nature reserve

Cordoba (Andalusia):

Carretera A-339 Cabra-Priego kilómetro 11,2

14940  Cabra, Cordoba  (Andalusia)

Email:cvsantarita.amaya@juntadeandalucia.es Tel.:+34 636 307 900 Website:Visitor centre website

Ctra. A-304 Aguilar-Puente Genil, Km. 3

14920  Aguilar de la Frontera, Cordoba  (Andalusia)

Email:cvlagunadezonar.amaya@juntadeandalucia.es Tel.:+34 957 335 252 Website:Visitor centre website
Useful information

What you need to know

  • Cultural information

    The park extends across an area where there are towns of cultural and monumental heritage.As is the case of Cabra, Priego de Córdoba, Iznájar, Luque and Zuheros.

  • Environmental information

    This Nature Reserve is located in the northern part of the Betic Mountains, with great elevations and narrow valleys. Limestone mountain ranges of great natural beauty.This group of mountains lie parallel in the intermediate area between the rivers Genil and Guadajoz.This limestone landscape has some interesting sites, such as Cabra abyss, the fountain of the river Cabra, the limestone relief of Lanchales, the bat cave, and the sinkholes of Hoyones.

  • Information for visits

    Check with the visitor centres.