Pagoeta Nature Reserve

The mountains homes to farmhouses and the woodlands come together in this natural space located near Zarautz (Guipúzcoa), just 5 km from the sea. It boasts a variety of attractions for visitors, ranging from an old ironworks to an educational apiary.
The reserve, whose name in Basque refers to the abundance of beech trees, consists of an abrupt relief, ranging from just 50 m above the Cantabrian Sea to 714 m at the summit of Monte Pagoeta. Its vegetation is particularly varied, boasting beech forests and oak forests as well as Cantabrian meadows and pine forests. Located mostly in the municipality of Aia, it offers visitors hiking options and visits to its historical heritage (Agorregi ironworks, with exhibitions on how iron was produced in the 18th century) and prehistoric heritage (dolmens, burial mounds, etc.).
Pagoeta Nature Reserve
Gipuzkoa (Basque Country)
Activa JS
What you need to know
Cultural information
The permanent exhibition at Iturraran Parketxea (park house), located in a 15th century farmhouse, contains everything you need to know about the park. Nestled in a 25-hectare botanical garden it boasts an abundance of both native species and others from around the world. The Agorregi ironworks and its four mills are nearby, as well as an educational apiary to learn about the rich world of beekeeping.
Environmental information
Dotted amongst other species from the Pagoeta forests, the presence of yew trees is particularly important. When it comes to wildlife, roe deer or wild boars are the main wild mammals in the area, in addition to unique breeds of native livestock, such as the small pottoka horses or the reddish betizu cow. Large birds such as the European short-toed eagle, the Egyptian vulture and the European honeybee inhabit the park, while the small mammals that live here include the gray dormouse.
Information for visits
Pagoeta is less than 30 km from San Sebastián and less than 10 km from Zarautz. From here, to reach Iturraran park house, visitors must take the N-634 from Zarautz to Orio and exit onto the GI-2631 heading towards Aia-Billabona. Approximately 4 km away is the sign indicating the way to Iturraran.