Doñana National Park

Changing scenery with thousands of birds
Doñana is one of Europe's most beautiful and important wetlands. What makes this national park so special is that in just one day you can see very different ecosystems: marshland, lagoons, pine groves, aloe veras, moving dunes, cliffs, 30 kilometres of unspoiled white beaches... A natural spectacle that is different each season, between the Andalusian provinces of Huelva, Seville and Cadiz.
Doñana National Park
The park is in the region of Andalusia in southern Spain, straddling the provinces of Huelva and Seville.
Seville (Andalusia)
Huelva (Andalusia)
Huelva (Andalusia):
- Almonte
- Hinojos
- Aznalcázar
- Puebla del Río, La
Seville (Andalusia):
Cerrado Garrido (Marismas de Aznalcázar)
41849 Aznalcázar, Seville (Andalusia)
Avenida Bajo de Guía, s/n
11540 Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cadiz (Andalusia)
Carretera A-484 Hinojos - Almonte
21740 Hinojos, Huelva (Andalusia)
Carretera A-483 (El Rocío-Matalascañas), km 27,5, a 1 kilómetro de El Rocío
21750 Almonte, Huelva (Andalusia)
A 6 km por pista asfaltada desde el centro de visitantes La Rocina (A-483 El Rocío-Matalascañas, km 27,5)
21750 Almonte, Huelva (Andalusia)
Carretera A-483 (km 38,7), desvío a unos 3 km de Matalascañas
21760 Almonte, Huelva (Andalusia)
Activa JS
In images
What you need to know
What you will find
Exploring the protected paths around Doñana gives you the chance to see some of the most endangered species on the planet, like the Spanish imperial eagle and the Iberian lynx. Doñana is home to more than 230 species of birds and you might be lucky enough to see breathtaking scenes such as the "pink carpet" that the flamingo colonies create when they feed. In fact, the marshlands are a staging, breeding and wintering site for thousands of European and African birds.Among the varied landscapes, you'll be amazed at natural phenomena like the mobile dunes (some over 30 metres high) which move from the beach and bury all the pine groves in their path.
Routes around the Park
If you fancy exploring the Park on your own, you can get information at any of the visitor centres, and you will find paths, walkways, bike trails, observatories and much more. But if you really want to immerse yourself in all its ecosystems, and truly get to know them, you should book an off-road guided tour, bicycle tour, horse riding excursion along the beach at sunset, photography or ornithology course. One particularly special way of getting to know Doñana is to board the tourist boat, the Real Fernando, which cruises up the last section of the Guadalquivir river.Map of Doñana National Park
Don't leave without...
Within Doñana you'll come across the famous white village of El Rocío, a meeting point for hundreds of lay brotherhoods during the procession of El Rocío, one of the most famous and popular in Spain (held between May and June). Another iconic event takes place on 26 June, in a tradition dating back more than 500 years, when the Almonte ranchers organise the Saca de las Yeguas, rounding up the wild horses you can see grazing in the National Park. While you're here, make sure to explore tourist destinations like Huelva, La Rábida and its Muelle de las Carabelas, Sanlúcar de Barrameda and Moguer, and try local specialities like white prawns from Huelva or Iberian ham. There are also other worthwhile natural spaces nearby, such as Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Natural Park, and the Rio Tinto Mining Park.
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