Detail of the Hayedo de Montejo beech forest

Spain's beech forests declared World Heritage Sites


The beech forests of Montejo (Madrid), Tejera Negra (Castile La Mancha), Lizardoia and Aztaparreta (Navarre), Cuesta Fría and Canal de Asotín (Castile and Leon) are part of the “Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe”, which have been awarded World Heritage designation by UNESCO.

The beech forests are particularly beautiful in the autumn months. They are large forests, featuring an abundance of beech trees and with little to no sign of any human activity. During the months of October and November, they are resplendent in almost infinite shades of ochre and red, and many localities lying in and around the forests often organise routes and activities related to the beech forests at this time of year. Be advised that many require advance booking ahead of your visit. Beech forest of Castile La Mancha: The Tejera Negra beech forest is about 150 kilometres from Madrid and you will need to reserve a parking space in advance during the autumn months. It has two circular routes for walking and a visitor centre. Beech forest of the Region of Madrid: the Montejo beech forest, located about 100 kilometres from the city of Madrid, covers part of the Sierra del Rincón Biosphere Reserve. It is an absolute must-see book your visit. Beech forests of Navarre: The Lizardoia beech forest lies within the popular Irati Forest and is close to its visitor centre (Casa de Irati, in Ochagavía), which organises guided tours and where you can obtain information on mountain bike routes. Meanwhile, the Aztaparreta beech forest is part of the Roncal Valley and is very close to the Larra–Belagua ski resort, in the heart of the Pyrenees. Beech forests of Castile and Leon: the beech forests of Cuesta Fría and Canal de Asotín are located in the León part of the Picos de Europa National Park. The park's itinerary, known as “Ruta de los pueblos de Sajambre” runs through the beech forest area and is suitable for walking due to its relatively low difficulty. It is about 125 kilometres from the cities of Oviedo and León.

World Heritage

Spain's beech forests declared World Heritage Sites

Navarre (Autonomous Community of Navarre):

  • Ochagavía-Otsagabia
  • Ezcároz-Ezkaroze
  • Guadalajara (Castilla-La Mancha):

    • Cantalojas
    • Madrid (Madrid Region):

      • Montejo de la Sierra
      • Hiruela, La
      • Horcajuelo de la Sierra
      • Puebla de la Sierra
      • Prádena del Rincón
      • León (Castilla y Leon):

        • Oseja de Sajambre