Close to the towns of Medina de Rioseco, Tordesillas and Toro, and just half an hour from Zamora and Valladolid, Tiedra is an ideal spot for discovering the essence of Castille and Leon, its heritage, its natural spaces and its skies. The strategic location of Tiedra as a vantage point over the valley of Duero, has been noted since ancient times, as demonstrated by its 13th century castle. Its raised position, its dry climate and the minimum impact of light due to it being sparsely populated mean you can enjoy clear, dark skies all year round.The Tiedra astronomical Centre (CAT) was created to take advantage of these special conditions for observing the stars and sharing them with all those who love stargazing, both professionals and amateurs, and who are curious to discover more about the Universe of which we are a part. Since its creation in 2013, the CAT has become a valuable space for promoting and disseminating astronomy. It has been recognised with the “Starlight Certificate” as a Star Park.