One of the stone bridges in Jarandilla de la Vera in Cáceres (Extremadura)

Jarandilla de la Vera


Charles I stayed at the palace of Jarandilla, built in the 15th century, while Yuste was been readied. At present, the palace houses the town's Parador de Turismo.

Jarandilla's civil architecture includes remarkable buildings such as the house of Don Luis de Quijada, tutor of Don Juan de Austria, and the pillory. We can also see several medieval bridges of Roman design, in whose construction they used ashlar stones from a nearby Roman mausoleum. The religious buildings found here are many: the hermitages of Nuestra Señora de Sopetrán, Nuestra Señora De Cincho y del Santísimo Cristo del Humilladero, the convent of San Francisco, and the churches of San Agustín and Ntra. Señora de la Torre, a big, sumptuous building from the 12th and 13th centuries built on the rock, which holds it and fortifies it. The festivity of the brooms, declared to be of Regional Tourist Interest, takes place on the evening of December the 7th, and honours the Virgin of the Holly Conception. Its origins are unclear. The culminating point of the celebration is the exit of the standard of the Virgin, carried by a horseman who is joined by cavalry, and by the whole town in procession, bearing lighted brooms as if they were torches. Both the weather conditions and the terrain's relief favour the formation of gorges, a key element in the landscape of the region of La Vera. Such is the case with Garganta del Jaranda (Jaranda Gorge).


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