Outstanding in the historic-artistic heritage of this town in La Rioja are: the Basilica of Nuestra Señora de Haro, with its Baroque high altar; the Palace of the Counts of Haro, also Baroque; Beldaña Palace, a good example of Spanish Plateresque dating from the 16th century; Santo Tomás Church; the Municipal Archive, with documentation going back as far as the 13th century.
Wine is central to Haro life. It is the driving force of the regional economy and a cultural expression in the area. Vines are an important part of the local landscape and the majority of the vineyards are open for visits. The town also has a wine museum. The most famous local fiesta is also related to the the drink: the "Wine Battle" is held 29 June every year. It is a good-natured fight between two sides who throw thousands of litres of wine over their opponents.
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