Town located in the north of the province of Valladolid, amidst vineyards and cereal fields. Famous for being the cradle of claret, a very aromatic pale wine.
The more than 300 underground wineries and the monumental Santiago church dating back to the 26th century are amongst the greatest attractions found in this little town located in the river Pisuerga countryside. Take a relaxed stroll around its old town, where you’ll see its Plaza Mayor square, surrounded by other historical sites such as the Palace of the Counts of Benavente, birthplace of the Empress Anne of Austria.But if there is one thing that makes Cigales special, it is extensive range of designation of origin wines and its neighbourhoods with traditional wineries. Ask in the Tourist Office for information on the guided tours organised in the Cigaleña traditional winery. Its Maze of underground caves and spectacular 15-metre Roman road will take you back to the past.