Every year the town of Sangüesa in Navarre hosts this recreation of the holy story of the Three Wise Men. It is one of five such mystery plays still existing in Spain and is staged outdoors.
With the arrival of the Three Kings to the town to worship the Child, the streets of Sangüesa, on the Way of Saint James, become the site of a re-enactment of the meeting with Herod, the conversations with the shepherds and shepherd boys, and the angel’s warning of King Herod's evil intentions. The event culminates in a moving mass in the Church of Santiago, presided by the Kings of Orient. The work was written in verse by José de Legarda in 1900.
The Three Kings mystery play
31400 Sangüesa-Zangoza, Navarre (Autonomous Community of Navarre)
11:30am to 12:30pm
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