Exhibition: Lorca and the archive. Memory in motion

Exhibition: Lorca and the archive. Memory in motion

Exhibition - Literature

Through documents, manuscripts and testimonies, the evolution of the archive of the Federico García Lorca Foundation is analysed from the poet's death to the present day.

The foundation's archive is the most extensive and complex documentary collection of all those dedicated to the Spanish poet. It captures the material legacy of the writer's life and work. This exhibition tells the previously unknown story of the efforts that led to it and the stages and socio-political contexts through which it passed.

Exhibition: Lorca and the archive. Memory in motion

Federico García Lorca Centre

Plaza de la Romanilla, s/n

18001  Granada  (Andalusia)

Tuesday to Saturday: 11:00-14:00 and 17:00-20:00 (from 15 March, 11:00-14:00 and 18:00-21:00)

Sundays and public holidays: 11:00-14:00




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