Bilbao Night Race

Athletics: Bilbao Night Running Fest

Sport - Athletics

In 2025, the Bilbao night marathon will change its format and transform into a half marathon, offering running enthusiasts a unique experience that blends sport, music, and festivities.

This unique night race, which has been held in Bilbao since 2009, has established itself as one of the city's main sporting events. The 21-km long race kicks off at San Mamés Stadium and ends at the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum, crossing symbolic places, like Euskalduna palace, Arriaga Theatre, the Gran vía or Zubizuri bridge. The Pirate Race, a 10-km race, takes place at the same time, with participants competing in the first 9 kilometres with the half-marathon runners.Throughout the course, the traditional competition of music bands and DJs accompanies and encourages the athletes, creating a festive atmosphere that will continue even after crossing the finish line. 

Athletics: Bilbao Night Running Fest

Bilbao, Bizkaia  (Basque Country)