Murcian mojete

Region of Murcia
Ingredients for 4 people: 1 tin of tomatoes (½ kg) 2 tins of tuna (in oil or marinade) 1 soft onion 2 hard-boiled eggs 150g of black olives olive oil salt
Chop the preserved tomato very fine and put it into a salad bowl. Peel and cut up the onion and add to the tomato together with the tuna. Cook the eggs and cut them into rounds, placing them on top of the ingredients in the salad bowl. Place the olives on top, too. Finally, add the olive oil and salt. Stir everything to mix all the ingredients of the 'mojete' and make sure they take up the olive oil.
This recipe should be prepared in advance and left to rest so the mojete takes up all the flavours.
Category: Starter
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Season: All year round
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