Monforte Gardens

Monforte Gardens


Their origins go back to 1860-1870, when some of the vegetable gardens were transformed into Neoclassical-style gardens with a small palace. There are three different areas: the Parterre Viejo, old parterre, with clipped European spindle hedges and statues on pedestals; the Parterre Nuevo, new parterre, with cypress hedges and myrtle outlining the quadrants around the patio of fountains; and El Bosquete, a naturalistic garden. A rose garden and a gallery with climbing plants round out the ensemble. The abundant and exquisitely maintained statues, fountains and other features of interest make this one of the most beautiful gardens in Valencia.

Monforte Gardens

Plaza de la Legión Española, s/n.

46010  Valencia, Valencia-València  (Region of Valencia) Tel.:+34 963 525 478 Tel.:+34 963 257 881 Website:
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