Girl in Iluziona Museum of Toledo

Iluziona Museum


This museum in the old town of Toledo invites you to travel through the history of Spain by immersing yourself in original experiences, optical illusions and legends told with the help of relevant characters from literature and the arts.

Its many fun- and visual-effect-based activities include a simulation of climbing the towers of Toledo Cathedral, "floating" on the ceiling of Cervantes' office, fleeing from the giants of Don Quixote, being trapped in Salvador Dalí's glass or escaping from the clutches of a gargoyle. In total, it offers 22 spaces where you can create countless creative photographic scenes. In all of them, the aim is for visitors to be the protagonists, since they will be able to play, solve puzzles and interact with other visitors.  Additionally, a team of guides-animators is at hand to follow visitors throughout their tour. 

Iluziona Museum

C/ Miguel de Cervantes, 6

45001  Toledo  (Castilla-La Mancha) Tel.:+34 611 35 32 63 (WhatsApp) Tel.:+34 602 57 87 86 Website:
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