Garden of Evaristo Valle Foundation Museum


This place, also known as "La Redonda", is located in the residential Somió neighbourhood, very close to Gijón. After successive inheritances, it came into the hands of a niece of the great Asturian painter, Evaristo Valle, to whom the museum now located on this land is dedicated. The Foundation houses the collections that belonged to his family and the studio where he painted. The gardens also include some interesting examples of modern sculpture. The park is basically designed in the landscape style, with a dense mass of trees made up of some magnificent specimens and extensive green meadows, irregularly interspersed with a great variety of shrubs and trees. Its most outstanding features are its location, its impeccable maintenance and the striking contrasts it presents. Fantasy reaches unexpected heights with large animal shapes, and also with such successful elements as the undulating cypress hedge. Boxwood, yew and cypress are some of the species found in this carefully tended garden.

Garden of Evaristo Valle Foundation Museum

Camino de Cabueñes, 261

33203  Gijón, Asturias  (Principality of Asturias)

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